More to Experience. More to Enjoy.

Every day at Bezalel is a new opportunity for our residents to explore new hobbies, develop new interests and enjoy the company of their fellow residents with our daily selection of social and recreational programs. Our highly trained recreational team has developed a jam-packed schedule to ensure that as many residents as possible partake in the activities.

Recreational Therapy.

Discover new interests with various therapeutic activities and hobbies. From music to art to baking and much more, our classes offer you the chance to learn new skills and relax your body and mind. All of our activities are performed in groups promoting friendship and companionship to enhance your stay.

Exploring Seasonal Events.

We provide a wide variety of seasonal events and holiday celebrations for our residents to experience and enjoy their favorite times of the year. Our events are designed to offer inclusion and unforgettable memories for all cultures and religions - to bring joy to all.

Next: Services with a Personal Touch